Become an AHS Sponsor!

14 Feb 2022 by Debbie Collins

WE NEED YOU!!! Purchase your family or business sponsorship today!

EVERY sponsorship includes a player or business ad in our annual baseball program.
Double sponsor and above INCLUDES your booster club membership and a AHS baseball car sticker! As of today we have 28% of family sponsorship participation. Our goal is 100%!

Purchase your sponsorship through the “store” on TEAM app or online. To compare different levels of sponsorships go to TEAM app to “documents” to “Sponsorship Opportunities."

February 25: family name or business logo to be on home field signage.
March 25: player or business ad to be included in annual program.

Questions? What is the annual program? Email
If you are considering being an MVP sponsor, email and learn more about the Capital Campaign.

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